The truth is I have been a very busy bee lately. With January 2nd starting our (my husband and I's) getting lean program (who starts anything on January 1st, in my world that is a day for gluttony) my brain has been filled with clean eating, and training, then of course thinking about eating, and food, and more food, then let’s not forget about my job and house…
The holidays were not terrible in terms of weight gain; I only suffered a 4lb increase in weight. I went from 169 to 173. I have been eating clean for 17 days or so and I have since lost the 4lbs. Katie and I have switched our gym routine to include more calisthenics and HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) and I am looking forward to seeing the changes in my body.
The plan I have been trying to follow is written below:
Breakfast (by 6:45am)- Whole wheat English Muffin, Natural Peanut butter
Snack 9am- Strawberries or almonds
Lunch 12:30ish- Chicken & veggies or Tuna & Veggies
Pre-workout snack- Banana & Protein Bar
Post-workout Recovery- Visalus Shake with strawberries & bananas
Dinner- Chicken and Veggies, complex carb (Brown Rice, Quinoa, etc.)
So far, it hasn’t been too hard to follow, but I intend on modifying my breakfast. I plan on swapping the whole wheat English muffin for Ezekiel Bread and adding eggs & egg whites. Eating this clean is a new venture for me, I have done weight watchers in the past and had much success with it. I decided to stop because I was working out so hard and often I could virtually eat whatever I wanted.
My goal for 2013- lose my gut, and get down to 25% or less body fat. Jamie and I are entering a competition for body Hey, you never know winning some cash to obtain my goals might offer even more incentive than a 6 pack!!